Getting off the train at Union Square - always seems to be "doings" in that station around the holidays! Last week, it was SantaCon - this week, I heard the unmistakable, unearthly sound of Silent Night, as performed on the Musical Saw - followed the sound to find the one & only Saw Lady! You never saw anyone play the saw with as much verve & panache as Ms. Paruz. Had errands to run but thoroughly enjoyed the moment!

The cause for my even venturing into the holiday madness of midtown New York City...Teuscher Chocolates for TQ's family.

Teuscher specializes in fancy packaging. Yes, the angel chorus is actually packaging for appropriately heavenly chocolate. When I go get this kind of chocolate, I make a habit of always getting a large box for giving, plus a small box. Call it the "decoy box" - it's basically to keep myself out of the big box!

Mission accomplished, I wander out past the tree, and the rink. I'd never skate here - there are lovely ice rinks in Prospect & Central Parks - but much though I'm not really into big crowds, this is always fun to see.

Needs no caption, right?
Back off to Connecticut now, chocolates in hand!
Happy Holidays to all!
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