Thursday, September 04, 2008

Quite the bash at Pier 66 tonight -

I can't make it, but I figured I'd pass this along -

Big Party tonight at Pier 66 - it's been 500 days since the Schooner Anne set out from Hoboken - halfway to the 1000 Days.

Been some really strange developments along the way, but he's kept going.

Not sure whose determination is more fascinating - his, or the folks who've apparently pledged their souls to his downfall (actually some of them may be there tonight, one of their ringleaders went to the party to welcome Soanya back & his report back to his gang was pretty much "Reid may be the antichrist & the biggest danger to sailing since Robert Fulton, but that was a pretty good party").

It's been interesting, to say the least.

Now to see how many hate comments this gathers (until they start, you can see a sample comment here). Whatever.

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