Saturday, January 27, 2018

Women's March NYC, 1/20/2018

Pardon the blog break, been catching up with life after a kind of rough finish to 2017. Work had been a bit crazy and I was clinging to the idea of a year-end staycation for the last week of December, which I then couldn't really take - worked out OK because we had an office move the week before Christmas and it was actually very helpful to have a couple of quiet days in the office to get my crates unpacked, rather than coming back and having to unpack AND deal with the usual month-end close reporting that happens the first week of every month. Still a bit of a bummer to be looking forward to a week off and then realizing it's just not going to happen.

Move and close are both all done now and so far January's been reasonably quiet; sadly no kayaking because the weather's been kind of cold and blowy on weekends, so I've been having some good chances to catch up with myself. Apartment's getting tidier, ukulele's getting practiced (YES I HAVE A NEW TOY! TQ is SO good at presents, he floored me with this one, more on that another time!), Irish music and dance is being done (and so was some Hawaiian music and dance, more on that at another time too cause there's more in the offing), new shoes and socks (both sorely needed) have been acquired, etc., etc. - and last weekend I was able to join friends for the Women's March here in NYC, and it was a wonderful afternoon. The trains were royally messed up but the march was still going strong when we got there, the weather was beautiful, the signs were funny and angry and strong, sometimes all at the same time, and I was so glad to be there.

More photos on Flickr. Enjoy!


Antionette Blake said...

Glad you got a blogging break and was able to attend the March.

bonnie said...

Thanks! I was so glad that I was able to be part of it!

Rebecca Olkowski said...

You go girl! I was there with you in Los Angeles.

Haralee said...

Great photos of the march and the signs. I love the women ala Hand Maid and another with the sign about hating crowds but hating inequality more! Hoping your weather quiets down for water sport.