Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Caprese break!

Tonight's dinner, late but good. Tomato and basil from the garden; didn't have time this week to get to the deli that still sell's Joe's Mozzarella but the fancy mozzarella di buffalo from Dean and DeLuca is a passable substitute. 

 No idea what variety of tomato this is except that it's orange and meaty and delicious. I got the Dragonetti Heirloom Pack of Mystery this year, as I like to do when Dragonetti's has them. They don't actually call it the Heirloom Pack of Mystery,  but it's 4 assorted seedlings labelled "Heirloom", no detail beyond that, and you never know what you're gonna get until the fruit ripens, which is actually kind of fun. Haven't had a bad one yet.

1 comment:

clairesgarden said...

surprise tomatoes sound like the best kind.