Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tis the season to get ready for the season

Boating season that is, fa la la la la! Great weather for a couple of work days at the club this weekend, and we got lots done. Next Saturday is opening day, hooray hooray, hope the weather is as cooperative! I attended the Saturday work day and although mostly I was working, of COURSE I brought my camera along and took a couple of picture-taking breaks. Unfortunately, I missed the Concrete Canoe Team (no, I'm not joking, we have a terrific crew of engineers-in-training training for the big annual Concrete Canoe Competition) but I did get some nice shots of the Saturday workers. Can't you just feel the anticipation after that loooooong winter we had?

The rest of this post is all pictures - click on the first one for the slideshow view. 

1 comment:

clairesgarden said...

aw, I am longing for water... the bath is just not big enough!!