Fairport was the westernmost point suggested in the one-week itineraries, and Dave and Lenore, who were among the Kinja crew in that fabulous USVI sail in January of last year, and they were able to join us for dinner on our night there. Before dinner, they took us for a little local sightseeing, which was really nice, that was really our only sightseeing away from the canal (bikes would definitely have been a good addition to our setup, although I'm not sure where you would put bikes on a Nimble Nomad), and they took us to Powers Farm Market, a local favorite pre-Halloween destination with a gazillion pumpkins and spooooky cornstalk-thatched teepees! They also had a haunted hayride, but we skipped that (too scary? I'm not telling!). The weather didn't feel very Halloweenish, but the atmosphere sure did. Good fun, and if we hadn't already had more food on board than we were possibly going to finish in a week, this would've been a great place to re-stock!
Hope everyone had a very happy Halloween!