Meanwhile, back in Brooklyn, I could barely talk myself into leaving the apartment this weekend. I'd decided that shoveling snow on the Mary Whalen was a good idea on Friday because I knew I was probably not going to be able to cajole myself into going paddling - I've been tired, it was a rough week at work last week (bad enough that I finally broke down & told my supervisors that I really feel like I'm in way over my head with the responsibilities I was handed last year - thank goodness there is a ton of other stuff I AM pretty good at, and there are some pretty good people in charge of me, I didn't end up feeling like I've jeopardized my employment, but it was a horribly depressing conversation to have to have), and there's still enough snow around that schlepping the Really Big Bag full of winter gear on the cart was going to be a complete pain, and when you add all of that to the "mind-body winter dichotomy" I wrote about a couple of years ago (short version - I don't like cold weather, I hate all the extra gear & there's a part of me that really just wants to go full couch-potato in the wintertime, I just don't because I know I feel better when I'm getting outside regularly), I just knew I wasn't likely to get myself pulled-together enough to go paddling. So a couple of hours of shovelling really did sound like a good idea, a little pre-emptive workout in case the weather turned yucky again & I couldn't talk myself into anything else.
And as you saw in that picture, it really did end up being a beautiful night to be outside shoveling snow - there was a nearly-full moon, and it wasn't that cold, and the ship's cat Chiclet came out with us while we shoveled (she's adorable) and then I tagged along when Carolina decided she had enough energy left to go get a glass of wine, and we went to this wonderful little place she likes called Homemade, and it was just about as nice as a spontaneous decision to do a little volunteer work ever gets.
And then, in fact, I didn't leave the building yesterday. Went & hung out with a friend downstairs for a while in the evening, which was nice, but for most of the day was just feeling sort of bleah. Had a hard time getting up today & had a splitting headache when I did (and no, the hanging-out the night before wasn't the hangover-producing type). I was feeling thoroughly unmotivated & could easily have spent another sluggish day at home, but as usual, I know that really not wanting to go out is a sign that I need to. So...motivation. Hmm. Prospect Park is always pleasant, but let's about an extra-special reward-type destination...
Oooh. I've got it! :D
Amazing selection. The first time I was here was in December, when I brought TQ - that was fun, we got some of those big champagne-bottle-sized bottles of Belgian to share. I stuck with an assortment of normal-sized ones this time, wishing TQ was along on this trip the whole time I was picking things out.
5 mile walk, round trip, and the weighted backpack on the return leg must give bonus points somehow!
It's funny, the options you have for walking in NY. This weekend, a five-mile walk for fancy beer. Last weekend, I ended up walking home from the theater where I saw Avatar - that was a couple of miles, I had planned to take the bus home, but it was nice out, I started walking, and the bus just never turned up!