Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to O.P.!

Michigonians have their U.P. - maybe we at Sebago can start calling Orient Point "O.P."! Although "Upper Peninsula" does beat out "Orient Point" in the syllable count. Sorry, I'm babbling, stayed up way too late playing that blasted slalom canoe Google Doodle game - should've been in bed hours ago! Weather's not looking so hot but still hoping to get some good real-life paddling in this weekend. Off to O.P with T.Q. in the A.M.!


my2fish said...

Who put the "o" in Michigonian?

bonnie said...




If the last, is what's sauce for the michigoose really sauce for the michigander?

(hope none of my Michigan relatives are reading this, I'll be in trouble when I'm out there in November...)

my2fish said...

I don't think anyone really knows! I think the usual debate is Michiganian or Michigander. Personally, I'm not a big fan of either - the 1st sounds weird, and yeah, the 2nd one sounds goosey.

I just say: "I'm from Michigan." That usually works out okay.

Baydog said...

Michiguys and Michigals

O Docker said...

I think the plural is Michigana.

Tillerman said...

It's all French to me. If it weren't for the French all you Americans would still be speaking English.

Sweetgum Thursday said...

Hi Bonnie..wanted to give you an update on efforts to stop the Rockaway Lateral Pipeline. We have a coalition. Looking to reach paddlers. (facebook and online petition to kill the bill that will allow this pipeline through Gateway National Recreation Area.