I had a little accident while I was making the stew. Well, two really. It's basically Mom's "recipe" (although it's not written down anywhere, her mom told her how to make it and she told me) and the secret is that you throw in a bottle or can of beer right after you add the last veggies and put the lid on to simmer for a couple of hours. Well, it was just terrible, I don't know how it happened but only half the bottle went into the stew, the other half somehow missed the pot entirely and ended up - horrors! - all over the inside of a glass that happened to be standing near by. I didn't know WHAT to do. So I'm drinking it.
The other accident may have caused the pouring problems. The beer is supposed to be Budweiser and somehow I accidentally got Brooklyn Lager on the way home instead of Budweiser. Oops. I suspect that a controlled experiment comparing the ease of pouring a bottle of Bud into a pot of stew and pouring a bottle of Brooklyn Lager into a pot of stew would prove that Brooklyn Lager is a much more slippery pour and ends up with half of it landing all over the insides of nearby glasses on a much more regular basis.

I hope Mom doesn't notice that I messed up her stew. :(
Quick thinking!
When I end up with a glass full of beer on my hands, I never know what to do.
I think the recipe calls for a glass of Budweiser because almost anything else will not get a full measure.
René Seindal, the charming gent behind the paddleblog aggregator PaddlingPlanet.net, and also one of the proprietors of Venice Kayak, made a similar observation on the Facebook version of this post:
...a Budweiser, not being a real beer unless originating in Budowice, doesn't have the normal tendency of beer of heading straight for the nearest glass.
Great minds, thinking alike.
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