The schooner Adirondack on a billboard at 34th & 10th!
Capt. Peter spotted this on his way to sail on Sunday & grabbed a picture. We all found this quite entertaining!
That's all I have time for today - tonight's the big CB4 meeting & I have scads of work I'd like to have done before I go (work work, the kind I get paid for, not bargeiopolitical). At the risk of looking like a total geek, I'm carrying my Greenland storm paddle - that's short enough to work on the subway at rush hour, and the HRWA rep suggested paddlers carry something that identifies 'em as paddlers, so I figured what the hey...
and what the hey, here's Nancy's last reminder - she took the time to write it, so I will post it in it's entirety & then heigh ho, heigh ho, it's back to work I go:
Important Community Board 4 Waterfront and Parks Committee
THIS Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @ 6:00 p.m.
Holland House, 351 W. 42nd St. (b. 8th / 9th), Basement
(Please try to arrive for the start of the meeting as this issue will be first on the agenda)
Issues of free public water access for human powered boating in Hudson River Park will be discussed, specifically as they relate to the recent closure and imminent relocation of Pier 63 Maritime (aka the barge, the frying pan, pier 63).
The current plan for the for the barge will see the vessel, its cafe, and historic ships moved 2 blocks north to pier 66a, but WITHOUT A PUBLIC LAUNCH FOR HUMAN POWERED BOATS OR KAYAK / CANOE STORAGE.
Please come show your support for the NYC area's human-powered boating community's continued presence in Hudson River Park, and free public access to our local waterways.
The greater our attendance, the louder our voice.
Please make sure to sign in at the meeting as a concerned paddler, and any visible props, like paddles, pfd's you may choose to bring will help garner needed visibity.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to any and all parties interested in the issues of water access for human-powered boaters in this and other regions.
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