Not going to write about that now though. Too late. Just back from the nicest weekend, I worked as a safety boat for the Small Boat Shop's Demo Day. After all the sturm und drang of the last two weeks, it was wonderful to just go sit in a boat & keep an eye on folks while they tried out boats, answer questions, put people back in their boats - even did a little teaching, a couple of people left with a better idea of how to use edging to turn a boat. I doubt that was part of my job description, but hey, if people ask questions that lead to the topic, why not do a little show with my tell? If they try it for themselves, even better. Fun event & they had the most perfect weather.
Anyhow, I was working, but found time to take a few pictures too...

The best thing about working was that it did at least keep my mind off of that morning when one minute I was wondering if they'd have coffee & danish at the outplacement workshop or whether I should buy some on the way up, and the next minute I was running from the most terrible noise I have ever heard in my life.
Been hard NOT to think about it this year, with the media campaigns stuffing the media takes down our throats. 9/11 The Movie! 9/11 The Miniseries! What do we get next, I wonder, 9/11 The Cartoon?
Anyways, with all that going on in the last few weeks, plus the barge shutdown & attendant fallings-out with people with whom I didn't particularly want to fight, it was truly a blessing to just be somewhere else, somewhere quiet. Messing about in boats.
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