Sorry so bad about posting lately, I'm terribly pressed for time this week, thought to wrangle a couple of emails I sent in the midst of bashing through way too much stuff into at least a stopgap post & still get 7 hours of much needed sleep - just sort of an update on why I'm a bit scarce & what I've been up to in my absence:
Thanks! Stuck in the middle of the usual week-plus insanity we get at the beginning of every month as we close the books on the prior month; back into teaching pool sessions at Sarah Lawrence on Wednesday nights, too...I wonder if I went back & started copying my teaching-at-SL posts from last year, would anybody notice? Did get a really good paddle in on Saturday, three of us set out with no particular destination in mind (I like that kind of paddling, where it's just about paddling, not about getting somewhere in particular), just three & a half hours of solid paddling - we made it to the George Washington Bridge & back, no messin' around, . Good stuff. Rained on us quite a bit but who cares, drysuits work just as well in a right-side up boat as they do in a sideways or upside down boat. Gotta do paddles that long or longer for the next 2 weekends plus hit the gym pretty hard next week & week after so I can get the most out of the Sweetwater BCU/Greenland week (and the Wisconsin spies of whom I've received advance warning can't bring back any really embarrassing stories about how that Bonnie was such a whuss for Derrick to write up on Kayak Wisconsin).
Winters here has been sort of a non-event, really funny when I consider that I started blogging last year 'cause it was blizzarding & the river was full of ice. I'm starting to doubt we're going to get ice down here this year, there's been word of it further up the river, but it takes a pretty serious winter for it to make it to NYC - I can remember more winters without ice in the Hudson than with, and this winter has been sort of frivolous (hope that sort of disparagement doesn't draw the attention of the weather gods).
So, hmmm, recycling posts? I'm such a creature of habit, I could probably get away with it if I just throw in new ones after vacations or classes I didn't take last year. Basically, I will paddle every weekend & teach on Wednesday nights until late April or early May, and somewhere in March I'll get happy 'cause the daffodils are coming up and the cherry trees are promising to bloom, then I will bring the schooner down unless the schooner comes down on a close week, then I will start working on the schooner one or two days a week, then one day I'll be really happy 'cause it's time to put the drysuit away (although on second thought I never really say "Ok, that's it for the drysuit until winter", it's more I'll just wear it less & less & then one day I'll hang it up in the closet & the next time it'll come out is to get a protectant spray on the latex gaskets 'cause I'll realize I'm probably through with it for the season), then I will take my surfski out for the first time & be really happy about that, then it will get really hot and the city will smell bad and I'll start paddling after work at night & falling over at the slightest excuse, and so on and so forth, and once every month I'll have a week where I'm super stressed over close, and there'll be budget-time madness...ho hum, everything old is new again. Or maybe it's just old again. Well at least my life doesn't revolve around television shows, now that's what I would call boring.
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