Gung Hay Fat Choy!

As I'd been thinking of doing, I went to Chinatown yesterday for the Lunar New Year parade - I've seen the aftermath before, but my general dislike of crowds had kept me from going - well, it took a while to get started but boy was it fun when it did, I'm really glad I went!
I'd actually started in on a much longer post last night, I got a pretty good spot for the post-parade lion dance in front of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society & it was a fun one - the choy for the Choy Cheng (go look at Robin's Empire's excellent "What's a Lion Dance?" post for more, no time for details right now) was up with some dignitaries on a second floor balcony & the lion had to get up there to get it & that was fun how they made that happened - anyways, it was a good series except that then the Blogger photo post thing started acting up - like Belinda, when it's good it's very very good, when it's bad it's horrid (but it's free, y'know?) - and it just got to be too late to mess around with it anymore so I threw in the towel & went to bed.
However before that I had gone ahead & posted a whole CNY gallery on my buzznet account, figured I'd just put up a quick post here linking to that. Again, Buzznet navigation hint - a little blue square with 3 little white dots is a next page (>) or prior page (<) button - on the main photo, it moves you to the next picture; on the "my photos" thumbnail set it will move you to the next page of thumbnails allowing for a little more of a browsing approach (in this they happen to be in chronological order but don't need to be looked at that way). Hope you enjoy! OK back to work now!
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