Schooner Anne, Atlantic-bound, 4/21/2007
Originally posted a couple of days before the actual 1000th day. Reposting with minor edits on 1/16/2010, to coincide the actual date of the 1000th day at sea.
The pictures here are from Flickr gallery of the photos I took the day they left.
Reid Stowe, one of my dock neighbors back in the Pier 63 days,
Congratulations to Reid, to Soanya (what a trouper that young lady turned out to be), and all the people from Pier 63 & beyond who worked together to make it happen. You guys must all be so proud!
Later note - There's a post over on H2uh0, gives a pretty good rundown of the entire trip to date.

1 comment:
Anyone interested in donating old used sails to Haitian fishermen, please go to: sailsforsustenance.org
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