Bonnie Frogma, all a-gog-ma,
How does your garden grow?
With onions, sage, rosemary and thyme
and loads of chard, whaddayaknow!
Just picked YESTERDAY from my garden at Sebago, after a fun paddle with TQ (winds gusting to 20 kts, we just paddled straight into the wind for a couple of miles & then turned around & surfed home, woo hoo!). I've just added a generous amount d to a big pot of lamb stew that's simmering on the stove all afternoon. TQ took some for the delicious chicken soup he made us for dinner last night, a friend's chickens got some less-prime leaves for a treat this morning, the stuff in the bowl went back in the fridge, and there's still more to pick in the garden. I'd planned to pick everything yesterday & freeze today if I had more than I thought I could use, but NOAA said the rain wouldn't start until 4 and NOAA lied, it was absolutely dumping by the time we got off the water around 3:30. I went out to my garden and picked before I took my drysuit off but it was just too yucky to keep going too long, so there's still quite a bit more to pick.
Did I mention it's December 28th?
Not sure whether this says more about the mildness of the winter so far, or the toughness of chard. Either way, I love it!
PS - ha! I was going to ask if anyone wanted to take credit for "all a-gog-ma" - I remembered that from a very silly 2009 post that was based on a lot of very funny comments people had left on another post. Forgot I'd thrown in a few of my own, though - "all a-gog-ma" was actually one of 'em!
Yum. Our garden is not doing well today, but happily our neighborhood has old hands who are still harvesting and sharing. :)
NOAA lied? Inconceivable.
It's a good thing you didn't mention your basil.
Post Christmas blahs are bad enough as it is.
Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie can you recommend a link that will explain n the basics of growing spinach in the Spring? We have just been talked into trying to grow some vegetables in our flower garden during "pre-flower" months and spinach is tickling our fancy! Or any other good stuff to do with dirt betwixt November and Memorial Day!
I don't have any particular favorites but this one looks pretty good -
Holly the Sailing Co-Chair usually starts off her gardening season with arugula - lettuces of all sorts do really nicely in the spring, then bolt when it warms up.
The first year I was gardening, I went to the Union Square Farmer's Market & got a flat of mixed-greens seedlings - never really identified what they were but I had some good salads that spring.
One thing that cracked me up at the farmers market was the fact that one of your options in these flats of seedlings was DANDELIONS. Who BUYS dandelions? :D
Thanks, Bonnie! Yeah it's quite a warm winter so far. We have a few daffodils that seem to think it's March already.
Also anyone who wants dandelions is welcome to come pick ours in season. Why don't rabbits eat dandelions?
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