Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Rollover Day for the Point Comfort 23, Or, The Biggest Boat Sebago Ever Rolled!

As I think I'd mentioned here a while back, we had a very exciting event at Sebago on November 7th. Holy cow, that long ago? I was thinking weekend before last but it was the weekend before the weekend before last - did I mention work's been crazy? Yes? Repeatedly, you say? Oops, sorry. Anyways, to get back to the point, it was the day when we rolled the biggest boat we've ever rolled - and on dry land, even!

Kayak committee members are always rolling our kayaks, but on the 7th, a whole crew of Sebagoites got together to roll the Point Comfort 23, the sharp new committee boat/safety boat that Sebago's new boatbuilding committee has been working on all summer. As you can see above, they've been constructing her upside-down, so all we've seen of her is her bottom (hehhehheh, I said bottom, hehheh -- and a fine bottom it is, innit?). The photo above was taken back in October, at the beginning of the final piece of this stage of construction, namely painting; a few coats of paint later and it was time to turn her over so that work on her interior can begin. 

It was an impressive effort, and I'd been cleared to paddle at this point but not to help lift twenty-three foot boats, so I took lots and lots and LOTS of pictures, which I finally had time to sort through last weekend, when Saturday ended up being a quiet day of catching up at home. Click here to visit the Flickr album. 

No captions, but the stages were - 1. Rolling the boat (unfortunately TQ and I only caught the tail end of that, Jim had rigged up pulleys to help stabilize and it looked like it would've been an interesting process to observe); 2. Bringing our antique war canoe back into the boat shed and raising her up to her winter home; 3. Preparing the base to receive the now rightside-up boat (this was an interesting combination of brute force - the fellas had a blast with the sledgehammers! - and the finest attention to detail - final adjustments involved a laser levelling device for precision) 4. Moving the boat back into the shed - and then finally the results of the naming contest (the winner was Canarsian).

And of course after that we had a feast. This IS the Sebago Canoe Club we're talking about!  


Anonymous said...

might this be the first vessel ever to be called CANARSIAN?

Jimbo said...

Quite likely.