Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back to Sheepshead Bay

I went to back Sheepshead Bay on Sunday, this time with a camera, hoping the loon and the mergansers would still be around. No loon, but I did find the mergansers hanging out in a mixed crowd of ducks and geese and swans and gulls. Someday I may have to treat myself to the next-up zoom lens from the one I had-- I thought I might have had a nice merganser photo when I was reviewing my shots from the day on the little camera screen on the way home, but not quite. Same for the bufflehead. The gull with the ruffled feathers came out well, though. Current zoom lens is excellent for those guys!

Here are some pix from the day, including the bridge, for my friend Bob H. who was telling me stories about jumping off of it and swimming when he was a kid (not in February though, I would guess), and the old Lundy's building - a couple of truly local friends have told me stories of Lundy's heyday, people have such fond memories of this place!


Diane Stringam Tolley said...

I can just hear the birds and the water! Love these pictures!
And now I want to explore that building . . .

bonnie said...

I tend to do a long walk out in Sheepshead Bay every year around this time. I see lots of winter ducks out kayaking in Jamaica Bay, but they're shy of kayaks and you get a much better view of them here, where they don't worry about people at all.

That whole building used to be one huge restaurant - one friend recently described going there as a kid and said that the interior as "as bit as two football fields"! It's now broken up into a couple of restaurants and a fancy food shop. It was really something back in the day.

my2fish said...

flowers blooming already!?!

bonnie said...

Crocuses, yep! And the daffodils in front of my building are coming up too. We'll see if they make it through Saturday night, when it may drop into the teens.