Sunday, July 23, 2006

Greenland paddling at Sea Cliff

Got to be a busy week last week. One of the things I was trying to make sure was all taken care of was wrapping up the final details for a Kayakways workshop I'd arranged for a bunch of people I paddle with. Packing up now for a semispontaneous (well, for me anyways) trip to North Carolina with TQ - plus I'm pooped, that was a serious day, especially when that Jamaica Bay trip was the last time I paddled (and the water was too icky to roll that day). But I thought that while I finish packing up, I could at least post some pictures of our absolutely wonderful day.

The day started out gray & cool - but after 2 straight days of pouring rain & thunderstorms, this looked pretty good!

By lunchtime, after a 3-hour morning rolling session, we were all very happy to discover that the lunch stand had hot chocolate!

By a little while after lunch, though, things had cleared up NICELY!

Hey, who's that guy?

New York Harbor from the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway - end of a perfect day.

More pictures and maybe more writing to come. Maybe. Summer seems to be going by at runaway speed this year, though. Some of that is in a good way, though - just keeping busy with things I love doing.

A few days off is going to be lovely, though.

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