Friday, September 16, 2011

9/11/11 solo sunrise paddle

Not so funnyDawn in the PaerdegatDawn on Jamaica BayHere comes the sunsunrise on J-bay 2sunrise on j-bay 3
Drifting into the Ruffle Bar marshMarsh grass, light current1 day before full moon - tide high enough the marsh is breaking out at the beachDoesn't that abandoned jet ski just make the scene? :-(Heading into Mill Basin - some sort of aquaculture going on here.Entering Four Sparrows Marsh
Osprey circling over Four SparrowsOsprey circling over me!More hulks here. Old hulks...New hulks (thank you Mr. NY 5916 EM for leaving your lovely "Mariner's Star" here...blech!103Leaving Four Sparrows
It's A Sign!More signs

9/11/11 solo sunrise paddle, a set on Flickr.

A much more peaceful 9/11, ten years later.

15 miles, 6 hours, some moving along, some drifting in marshes, and plenty of time for quiet reflection.


Pandabonium said...

Gorgeous pics. What a beautiful "church" to spend the morning in. (sorry about the junk thoughtlessly tossed into the mix, but the root of that is also something to contemplate).

bonnie said...

No apology necessary.

My favorite services, when I was a kid, were always the ones that were held outside, like the Easter morning sunrise services, or communion (with grape juice and King's Hawaiian Sweet Bread) under the shelter at the Methodist camp on the shoreline (can't remember the name, and long since sold).