Tuesday, April 16, 2013


From the inimitable George Takei. I shared it on my wall with the comment: "This is true. As one who survived 9/11, I have some frightening memories - but mixed in with those is still amazement at all of the big and little courageous and helpful acts that happened. And not just from the people in the uniforms, but from people from all walks of life. That was happening in Boston today, suspect it's the same anywhere in the world."


Pandabonium said...

Great quote on a such a sad day. Fred Rogers is a hero of mine. So wise and compassionate.

Namu Amida Butsu.

Harry said...


Baydog said...

I was fortunate to meet Mr. Rogers. He was taping a show in Princeton with the Westminster bell choir.
Interestingly enough, my friend who owns the noodle shop in Pittsburgh was working for Fred at the time, and traveled to NJ with the crew. Quite a kind soul and the softest hand I've ever shaken.

bonnie said...

Wow - that's very, very neat. I was of course a huge fan when I was a kid - Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street, and the Electric Company were sort of the Big Three of my television-watching youth.

I couldn't think of anything worth saying about the Boston events but this is something I'd noticed myself on 9/11 and it was GOOD to be reminded of that yesterday.

BTW I wish I had known about your friend's noodle shop when TQ was living near Kittaning and I would visit via the Greyhound bus to Pittsburgh. It looks fantastic.

Baydog said...

I've also been in the PGH Greyhound terminal. Ugh.

bonnie said...

A good bowl of noodles would have eased the trip home.