Saturday, November 19, 2016

More moon + gratuitous foliage + return to Gotham Archery + MORE WHALES!

Waning moon in Midwood
Unfortunately it was a very busy week and I was never able to arrange to be somewhere where I could see it near the horizon, which is where the unusual size caused by the closeness of the moon was the most evident, but still pretty, yes?
Nice foliage in Midwood right now.

On Thursday night, TQ and I made our first return to Gotham Archery since my mastectomy. He did great. I felt as weak as a kitten, did improve for a while but by the end of the hour things fell apart. Fun to get back there, though, and I do want to get back to doing this more, I was having fun with it last year!

And for the final topic: The New York Media Boat has now had 3 days in a row of watching whales right off Manhattan. Click here for more photos. Amazing! 

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