Meanwhile, back on the windowsill, my little squash seedlings are doing well!
(actually this was a while ago - this same plant has 6 leaves now!)

And it is believed that the monk parakeets that had built this nest are also doing well - just not at Sebago. I'd seen them in the trees, but the nest has been suspiciously quiet - I took this one evening when we got back from a paddle around sunset. Now that's when parakeets should be chattering away saying good-night to each other...nope. With the warm weather, the gardening committee has been enjoying a lot of winter gardening, and Adele said that with all the people around, the birds were visibly & audibly unhappy. She thinks they tried again a few blocks away. Well, too bad they put in all that work, but at least there weren't babies in that nest when they figured out that a kayak club has people (yikes)!
Time to go paddle now!
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