Saturday's storm was not kind to umbrellas.
Or trees...
Always sad when you see one of these handsome old Ditmas Park trees bite the dust, and I'm sure the homeowner was upset, but I bet at some level they are also thanking their lucky stars that that tree didn't go a few degrees in another direction.
That was a dramatic start to my walk & sent me scurrying back to my apartment for my camera. This was more the standard scene - big branches down everywhere.
This all happened, of course, in that big storm we had on Saturday. I went ahead & went to a party in Queens during the day, had no trouble getting there, but getting home was another story, the subway line that runs through my neighborhood got shut down because a tree blocked the line. Everything was so messed up (understandably, you can't blame the MTA for stuff like this) that it took me almost 3 hours to get home. The funny thing was that the last 40 minutes were spent waiting for a bus to take me a distance I could've walked in 15 minutes - I'd walked a couple of blocks from the subway & I could actually feel the wind shoving me, didn't like it much & was really sort of worried about things flying around. When I got to a bus stop where it was possible to hunker down in a solidly sheltered spot, I did. Seeing the scene the next day, I think that was not a bad call.
These were all taken yesterday - it still wasn't boating weather so I went for another long walk, this time to Sheepshead Bay, south down Ocean Ave. & then west to the Ocean Parkway subway station. This was a construction site on Ocean Ave - the wind had completely torn up & flung around the plywood fencing & even knocked over their portajohn.
I think that when I feel like whining about my job this week, I should spare a thought for the poor Call-A-Head guy that has to deal with that. Ugh.
And then there were some sad sights out in Sheepshead Bay -
One can only hope that the owners of those boats are people who had desperately been trying to sell & will be happy to pocket the insurance money & call it a day. But it's always a disturbing sight to see masts sticking up out of the water like this, isn't it?
Yes there was a bit of wind!!! I lost 5 trees. Two in my driveway. Chainsaw will be busy today. None hit the house, the camper or the boat,so lucky I guess!
dennis g
It got crazy. Windsurfers said something we never was too windy to sail.
oh, chilling: the masts out of the water. brrrr.
Poignant essay on the tragic loss of the bumbershoots. We can only hope their families carried umbrella policies.
oh, oh, oooooooh, O-docker!
Too windy for the Puffin Patrol to sail? Amazing. I've been following Peconic Puffin for I can't remember how long now - think I'm counting in years, though - and I think that is the first time I've seen that!
Seems like so far everyone I know came through with all of their property more or less unscathed. Good to hear.
oho...I just realized there are actually 13 dead umbrellas in my pun-inducingly poignant photo essay. Although I'm going to keep calling it One Dozen because there are One Dozen intentional subjects. Anybody spot baker's-dozen-making corpse #13?
Our weekend home is a little scathed, though we can't complain while neighbors have crews of chainsaws removing trees from roofs.
I'm dealing with a flooded crawlspace for the most part. Doesn't make for good photos.
Half an apple tree is better than none. Snow was gone yesterday -- Ccrocouses are up this AM.
dennis g
Where are you again, Dennis, that the snow is finally gone?
Bonnie: 12 dead umbrellas don't spoil the whole bunch, Girl!
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