Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Spring is coming, and here's Sebago's Annual Spring Laser District 8 Regatta NOR to prove it!

From Sebaga Laser Regatta 5 22 2010

Hear Ye Hear Ye!

The Sailing Committee of the Sebago Canoe Club, Canarsie, Brooklyn, has a confirmed date of Saturday the 7th of May, 2011, for our annual Laser District 8 Regatta.

Spread the word, all ye snowbound sailors. Let's dream of Spring!

Links Are For Clicking:

Notice of Race

Sailing Instructions

Ahhhh, white sails, green green grass, green green trees. Remember?
From Sebaga Laser Regatta 5 22 2010

cross-posted at the Sebago Canoe Club blog


Tillerman said...

Oh man. All that green. As I look out of my window right now at white, white, white... that picture is so enticing.

bonnie said...

Isn't it nice? I'd almost forgotten how lush the grounds can look, we do not waste water on lawn maintenance & with the summer being so dry, by August the lawn had given up & was just dirt-and-dried-grass brown.

O Docker said...

I'm so confused.

Now is the only time of year the grass around here is green.

The spring is when everything turns brown. Do I need to adjust the color on my window?

Baydog said...

So trees do actually grow in Brooklyn? :)