Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Arrrrrr & Argh & Yum

Hey, look, only 46 days 'til Talk Like A Pirate Day 2005!

Woo hoo!

I mean ARRRRR!

Afterthought, later in day, brought on by my drink of choice at Mrs. Kayak Boy's going away party (which I'm reminded of by her comment & I wouldn't have missed, I'm just glad she's still speaking to me after it was kind of partly my fault she ended up in that ill-suited post in the first place - better luck at the new place!) - the perfect drink for getting in the mood for Talk Like a Pirate Day is, of course, the Dark & Stormy, which is 1 part Gosling's Black Seal Rum, 2 parts ginger beer (the gingerier the better, I'd say!) over ice. Yummy. First ran into these at the Mayor's Cup Schooner Race post-race festivities in '02 and thought that they may've tasted so darned good because we'd won the race, and the finish had been neck and neck with the captains shouting salty things at each other about holding fair courses and stuff, & the party was on the Peking, (a big old barque that's part of the South Street Seaport Museum collection - this ship was a nitrate carrier until 1932 - they've done up some displays belowdecks & the absolute coolest thing there is film footage that was actually shot on one of her voyages around Cape Horn...unbelievable scenes of a storm, plus the bit about the captain's dog is pretty funny) and it was just the most wonderful night - but they tasted pretty darned good on Monday night at a pub in SoHo, too.

So I figured heck, why not add a drink recipe since I still haven't finished the post that went "poof!"?

This post brought to you in lieu of the post that Blogger mostly ate last night - I actually thought it was pretty good. "retrieve post" got back the start, but it was a little to involved to finish on lunch hour, plus I couldn't quite seem to recapture the spirit I had last night right off the water. I totally geeked out, I was totally inspired by a really fab falling-in-the-Hudson play session at the pier last night - it felt so great being in the water that in the end I just jumped off the dock and went for a swim, then hosed myself off and dripped-dry over a burger & beer with a couple of the other people who'd come out to play. Nice nice night. Ah summer. I'm very bummed that the post written during the afterglow went bye bye, I couldn't quite recapture it with one eye on the clock this afternoon.

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