Virtual CaraMacs for Baydog, for completely cracking me up YET AGAIN with a comment on the Fish & Flipflops post. Not enough room in the carry-on for real ones, but plenty of space on the 4-gig SD card!
Nice post on 829 South Drive today, btw - looks like maybe Tilleman might want to think about going to Jersey.
I love you. And my wife virtually loves you for the CaraMacs, her ultimate favorite chocolate candies. What sucks is, the box looks big, but the tray spaces the candies like two inches apart.
Deep down, Tillerman loves New Jersey. He lived in a very pretty part of the state for a good while.
He just likes to rib folks every so often. He's a tough cookie.
As I said somewhere else, I like New Jersey in parts. As well as the north-western lakes area where I lived, I do like sailing on Barnegat Bay, and have raced at many of the clubs on the bay. I did once take some my Optimist kids from Lake Hopatcong YC to a regatta at Mantoloking YC, but I think my favorite clubs to sail from are Lavallette and Brant Beach.
Lavallette because it was the first club down the Jersey shore that I raced my Laser, and the first club down the shore where I took my own son to race his Optimist, and the people there were wonderfully welcoming and helpful to these strange people newly arrived from England.
Brant Beach because they really have their act together in running major championships. The shore-side and on-the-water regatta management is superb and it's always a pleasure to race there.
Hmmm. I see the Laser North Americans are at Brant Beach next summer. I feel a road trip coming on.
I love how he says down the shore!
Only in New Jersey.
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