Shawna Franklin trying & not quite getting one where you sit on the ropes, flip yourself over, then right yourself again - Dubside makes this one look particularly simple, but it's tricky to keep the ropes from slipping up to your knees. I think Shawna did get this one eventually. That's Steve Maynard watching her.

And then Steve had to try. Steve turned out to have a lot of aptitude for it -
here he is getting ready -

over he goes!

and then back up again - showing the leg extension that brings you right-side up again

I tried this one myself later when there wasn't as much of an audience - I couldn't even get myself upside down, I still can't figure out how but somehow I'd go over, hit 90 degrees and come to a complete halt like that!
Shawna's turn again, Dubside is helping her get set up for one where you start out looking like you are in the world's most uncomfortable hammock - then you roll over so you are hanging from underneath, then you turn yourself over again - I think she got this one once Dubside got her set up correctly. Lots of core strength & coordination demanded here as you can probably imagine.

The historic harbor films btw were terrific, I was SO glad the weather was so awful because otherwise they probably wouldn't have been able to take walk-ups - as it was, they had it in a tent on the barge instead of on the Frying Pan, so we all froze our butts off, but as I said to John Doswell, who's one of the Working Harbor folks, it was worth a couple hours of being cold. In addition to the ones listed, the film historian brought a few bonuses - he started out with a Betty Boop cartoon just to get the projector set up, then he showed Little Toot, and finished with a short film called King of Coney Island, great 50's film of Coney Island in the summertime, narrated by Deno's Wonder Wheel (the self-declared King!). Fun stuff, John said they might do it again & if they do I'll talk it up a lot more a lot sooner (but not 'til I've got my ticket).
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