East 17th street blocked for traffic.

Tree down on East 17th street.

What a lucky fall - it went down right across the street and just missed the porches on the other side.

Aftermath of the mad shopping stampede - bread and water almost gone. What, were we getting ready for a hurricane, or a weekend in the brig?

I just happened to take the first one at the precise instant a gust came through and turned both umbrellas inside-out!

Did they pick a good weekend for vacation, or what?
And for a few pictures of how the club did, check out Andy's pictures on the Sebago Canoe Club blog. Some rainwater in the clubhouse, but mostly OK!
Now I know where to send Mr. Sarkozy when he starts using bad language -
JS French Cleaners.
And I want to eat out at Mamma Lucia's when she reopens. I love Italian, especially when there's lots of garlic.
Pandabonium, I am trying to come up with a good pun & failing...something about "zut!" suit, you know...
Carol Anne, you're on. If you and Pat ever do a fifth-wheel tour that goes through my area, I will treat you to dinner at Mamma Lucia's. It's not hip enough for the hipsters in my area but I love it, it is a good old northern Italian red-sauce joint in the finest tradition and not stingy on the garlic.
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