Just futzing around with a paintbox for fun tonight.
Oystercatchers make me laugh. They go puttering around in little groups and they are constantly hollering at each other. They're really loud and insistent and it seems like whatever it is they are saying to each other, it's Really! Really! Really! Important!
They're a summer resident in Jamaica Bay & I think one of the earlier to arrive. I feel like spring is really setting in when I start hearing that unmistakable, impossible to ignore "Wheet! Wheet! Wheeeeeeetweetweetweetweetweet!" mixed in with the wintertime brant's "hrnk, hrnk, hrnk".
Nice painting.
Oyster—n., a person who sprinkles his or her conversation with Yiddish expressions.
i like it . . . oystercatchers as singing and dancing rockettes . . . oysterettes?? sounds like a costume idea for the mermaid parade???
Ooooh. Nice pun, Panda-sama!
Will, I would like to propose official Oysterette pickup line:
"Hello, sailor. Want to see my pearl?"
hee hee hee.
Vey to go, Panda.
Adorable. Both the picture and the story! ;)
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